Famed Ghanaian actress and model Priscilla Opoku Agyeman, also known as Ahuofe Patri recently broke the mold when she appeared on “Ride and Chat.” During the episode, she candidly discussed her rise to fame, success stories, vulnerabilities, and real-life experiences.
She underlined the importance of open communication among young people with trusted family members because depression is prevalent in this day and age. Additionally, because it doesn’t simply affect celebrities, it is also possible for their admirers to experience it as a result of the glitz and glamour displayed on social media. She also showed her strong attitude about depression by not acknowledging its existence.
She cited the film “The Big Six” as being the most difficult she had ever shot, particularly the frightening cemetery sequence. This statement exemplifies the difficulties actresses must overcome to pursue their artistic goals. Additionally, it demonstrates how adaptable she is as an actress because she ventures outside of her comfort zone to give engaging performances.
Additionally, she admitted that losing her mother was the first time she truly experienced a broken heart, “My heart was shattered when I lost my mother,” she said.
Watch the full conversation below: