M3dal had another huge moment in his illustrious career this weekend as a guest performer on Edem’s Edemfest over the weekend at Keta.
Edemfest was as hot as it was epic with over 6,000 attendees who came outI to turn up with a plethora of performers.
Noted as a standout performance of the evening, the Background Music artiste performed his fans favorite like My time, Krom Ay3 D3 Kamasutra and a lot more.
Check Out : Kurl Songx – Feeling (Gimme That) (Fet. Ebony) (Prod by Kaywa)
Check out videos and photos from his performance below
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTWiMsvXu_k]
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuH8KWUsm84]