Dear Mr President and Honorable Speaker and Members of Parliament,
I stand amongst the thousands of voiceless musicians in our beloved motherland Ghana to stress on an issue that some so called key industry leaders have failed to address.
Mr President, it is sad to wake up and turn on the radio only to hear 90 % of the radio shows and 80% of the radio stations playing foreign music as music made in ghana begs to make it onto their playlist.
This practice is killing the talents in Ghana at the rate that even upcoming talents die out before trying to make it out, and our legends ( the pioneers ) can not be heard anymore because most playlist are busy promoting foreign (both old and new) music in Ghana.
As leaders who believe in made in Ghana products, I am calling on you to stand with us in implementing a 95% Ghanaian music playlist for all radio shows in Ghana.
They may argue that our music hasn’t reached the standard of the foreign music but how do we grow in this music industry (that’s if we even have one) when the amazing talents in this nation are put ‘underwater’.
A trip to other countries reveal an advanced music industry due to the radio only playing 3-5% of foreign music with most Ghanaian music not making a reasonable fraction of that list. FYI – (they even pay local acts for their songs being played on radio)
I write to you and not MUSIGA because Mr President, Honorable Speaker and Members of Parliament, this problem goes beyond the MUSIGA President.
When strategically structured, music’s contribution to the economy will be monumental as it will not only create jobs but also generate income to support the economy.
In the U.S. The music industry is part of the creative sector that collects over $125 Billion annually and the UK generates over 3.5 Billion Pounds. Critics may argue that this is not the U.S. or UK, but Mr President, they got to where they are because the government treated music business as a BIG BUSINESS.
Royalty collection is key as it is a source of income for the musician and a taxable income for the government. When a 95% Ghanaian music playlist is achieved, royalty collection will be swift as each radio playlist will be listed, and the appropriate royalties will be distributed to the artiste.
We are blessed however to have some DJs and Presenters who passionately play Ghanaian made music but, a few great people can only do their part of a lions job.
Mr. President, Honorable Speaker and Members of Parliament, I know this call to help change our failing music industry will be a great call to an immediate action.
Talent is God Given and we only asked that you help the voiceless be heard.
Thank You Mr. President, Honorable Speaker and Members of Parliament, we the artiste look forward to celebrating a 95% Ghanaian Playlist on all radio stations. #95percentghmusic #playghmusic
Eric ‘QWECi (Ded Buddy)’ Turkson