There are only 26 letters in our common alphabet and only so many ways even the most creative songwriter can arrange them. As a result, numerous songs that may vary wildly from one another end up sharing one most basic element in common: their lyrics but the scarce one is the TITLE .
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There’s nothing wrong with that of course, but it can be confusing if you’re trying to sort out what song is a cover of another song. The Ghanaian music fraternity is currently faced with this jinx and it got to do with the most awarded rapper in Ghana SARKODIE and BBNZ frontier EL. Both artiste haven’t been tagged to be at each other’s throat in the last but this issues were later rubbished when both rappers were spotted together in the studio.
Few days ago E.L dropped a song with the title OVERDOSE howbeit sarkodie just dropped a song with jessy jagz off his highest album with the same title OVERDOSE.
THis have left some music lovers in a limbo … is it an intentional release of the the KOKO crooner to rubbish sarkodies own since both rapper use to psyche one another for the best lyricist and metaphorical delivery? Or it’s a start of another best rapper challenge?
Anyways to you , who killed the verses and dropped the best punchline which sync with the song title ?
Written By Kels