Tiwa Savage and the Alternative Sound band set up at the beautiful Jazzhole, a historic vinyl shop well-regarded among record collectors for the rarities within.
“As much as I would have loved to have performed at Bob’s desk,” she tells NPR, “I am really honoured to have captured my session in my home city of Lagos, Nigeria. The Jazzhole is a happy place for me and always feels like home.”
With floor-to-ceiling shelves packed with books and albums as a backdrop, it certainly seems familiar to us, too — reminiscent of the performance cubicle at NPR HQ.
On “Dangerous Love” she speaks to matters of the heart, takes a detour to the Reekado Banks single “Like” that she featured on, before wrapping the set with her newest single, “Koroba,” which blends her native Yoruba language with Nigerian Pidgin English, underpinned by a catchy, feel-good rhythm.
Watch the video below:
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