Guru and Manager

The CEO of NKZ Music and Phiziles entertainment ,Ray moni, even though young is one of the most experienced individual and investor in the Ghanaian entertainment industry, currently having ,Guru and Strongman, who are both two award winning major rappers under his wings.

He had this to say about making it in the Ghanaian music industry after been questioned about his throw back pictures#lol

With a throw back picture he captioned it;

Every king was once a crying baby and every great building was once a map.

It’s not important where you are Today, But where you will reach Tomorrow .Memories on the wall.ray nie

Ray Moni

He said;

”As you can see from my throw back picture I started doing my thing on the microphone a long time ago #lol

But back to the issue of making it in the music industry, it takes more than just talent, good looks, and promises or praises from friends and love once to make in the industry, and is not in only Ghana but the world at large.

And am not saying talent is not important, but if one is not humble, hard working, respectful or ready to learn and listen trust me the person no matter how talented he or She is wont go any way in the music industry and also in life.

Am sure we have all heard the wise saying, your attitude determines your altitude. Meaning your attitude determine your elevation in life”

Is interesting how some artists are humble in the beginning but once they feel like they have gotten small attention then start acting funny#lol

This is one of the reasons why some investors and potential producers don’t want to risk their money to avoid future drama.

I will advice every up and coming artist to be humble and listen once someone shows interest in their act and in doing so they will go places.”