
Wavy May is a young and versatile Hip Hop artist currently based in the UK, who has taken centre stage with his latest release “The Wave”. Infused with sounds of “Ghana” where Wavy May spent the majority of his time and he has brought to you this album that is guaranteed to have you feeling like you on vibing on the sidewalks of Venice Beach.

Check Out : Ras Kuuku – Who Send Dem (One Dread Riddim) (Prod. by Beatz Dakay)


Released by BRBNation, “Looking For Me” is a certified Hip Hop and Rap EP. Which sees Wavy May riding the resounding bass heavy, usage of psychedelic sounds, to provide a musical backdrop with a glorious finish. His smooth vocals, infectious flow, and smart wordplay – fusing the sounds of Ghana with the sounds of the London together to create a mind-blowing tale of two cities.

Already proving to be a hit on UK media channels his Latest track “The wave” released from the EP premiered on LinkUP TV premiering it to rave reviews of over 10,000 views in 4 days. His EP “Looking for me” is poised to garner even more acclaim and support from UK/African Hip Hop/Rap audiences and critics with exciting visuals and amazing collaborations from some of the leading UK producers

“The Wave” official video shot by Simon Aukes Please see below for links to the audio and video.


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[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BT_-WdPEJCs?feature=player_detailpage]