Death is inevitable and we only live long only to die eventually.
When you are young you have the energy to work hard to take care of yourself and your family but when you are old you do not have the same energy to even walk.
Old age comes with weakness and sickness and the only way we can survive will be on monies we saved during our young and hard working days.
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One of the importance ways of surviving is through our pension scheme and that is only if we were able to work and pay during our working years. Have you thought of those who never had the opportunity to work and pay?
Unfortunately we have a compulsory pension scheme which only finds ways and means to mismanage the monies workers put there and they go unpunished.
In fact ssnit has been scandalous from day 1 and the latest scandal of it using $72million on a software is no news. We should only hope that those found guilty will be made to return the money.
People contribute and Die before attaining the pension age and even those who live long enough only receive peanuts and it’s nothing to write home about.
They only frustrate you in your old age and your only option is to die before your time.
Old age like I said comes with weakness and sickness so in other countries they put in place health insurance schemes that takes care of their old folks and most of our Ghanaians who travel abroad go and work at their Old Age homes taking care of their Olumen and Oluwomen.
In Ghana when you grow old and become sick it is the soul responsibility of your family and if they can’t afford to take care of your sickness you only die before your time and it’s no news.
Fact is we will all grow and eventually die so why don’t we as a Nation collectively think of how to secure ourselves when we eventually grow old and weak.
Our leaders should stop being myopic in their thinking, worker at ssnith should also stop thinking of ways and means to rob the few contributors so we dont live and work hard and Die stupid.