Home News Yaa Jackson releases stunning pictures on her birthday

Yaa Jackson releases stunning pictures on her birthday


Today, October 18 happens to be the birth date of actress/songstress Maame Yaa Jackson
The actor/singer turns 17 years old today and she releases these pictures to celebrate her day.
Check out : Wendy Shay – The Boy Is Mine (Feat. Eno) (Official Video)
She posted….
‘It’s my birthday, It’s been an incredible journey to Adulthood and I’m grateful to God for an awesome age filled with amazing experiences. #Tear_rubber #Obra ‘.
Bagging to her credentials earlier this year, Yaa Jackson took the world by storm when she became the talk of the town with her maiden single, Tear Rubber which is currently enjoying massive airwaves
She might look young but she is nothing her age when it comes to sexiness.
Check pictures below