1st things 1st don’t cross that line
Number 1 the girls say am that guy,
I got that thing we dey catch dema eye
Where’s my net am the mermaid guy
I dreams of swimming in millions
Boi i got game like Brazilians
I no dey play around children
On the road to wealth am a pilgrim
The ace of rap bring your problem i can deal with that
Hold your queen am king like dat
Last year alone i made 4digits flat
Ofa hard work the grind don’t stop bring ur millet
Rip 2 the beat print a t-shirt
I myt call efya we’ll sing a duet.
Boi i spill that kill boi rap roulette
Put a cool g on we’ll see who’s the best
Adentaboi tell my you vex
I walk that talk i can show you in text
Rap heavy weight i dey stress my Unkle
Adentaboi on ds beat s/o unkle
Cold flow watch me pop like can coke
You’re a short funny guys Santo
I no dey pay you mind
The things dey dey talk i no dey hear dey dey mime
Tryna ink my name in the prints off time so when am gone dey kai my grind,
Too bless to be vex at the same damn time.
Stay connected no loops like a vine
In time we’ll feast of this like wine God forgive us & protect our shine
All i want is mine adenta its our time from station the flats to the down its going down, japan motors commandos klu baby unkle yu crazy 4 ds 1 yeah boi!
© Ku | KCMG